NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Project Management: The Proper Place for Pessimism

While we might not think of it as such, we are all “Project Managers” at some point in our lives. We all have things we…

May 31, 2022

Hold Your Sense of Self Loosely

By “hold your sense of self loosely” I do not mean you are easily swayed by the prevailing winds or that you do not have…

May 26, 2022

Guesthouse Emotions

Never give the Master Bedroom to emotions that belong in the Guest House (at best!). Listen, we all have bad days, moods, fits, impulses to…

May 24, 2022

The One Thing You Can’t Teach

Wanting. Wanting is the most difficult thing to teach. Wanting to grow, wanting to be your best, wanting to learn, wanting to improve. That burning…

May 19, 2022

Interoceptive Awareness, Intuition, Introspection: Ruminations

Interoceptive awareness, at its most basic level, is an awareness of physical sensations within such as fast heartbeat, heavy breathing, hunger, and fullness. Some expand…

May 12, 2022

Seeking Failure

Why would anyone seek failure? Well, absent situations with catastrophic consequences (packing your parachute?), failure often contains valuable feedback, lessons that can form the foundation…

May 5, 2022

The ABC’s of Success

Access your Best Self. This requires taking the time to KNOW yourself, developing both your EQ (emotional intelligence) and wisely exploring a wide range of…

April 28, 2022

What’s The Agenda?

Life is full of distractions, side roads, and dead ends; drama that may grab our attention but are not aligned with our purpose, our mission,…

April 26, 2022

First Rule of Project Management

Create a Timeline! Far more than just a final deadline, a timeline lays out, in sequential order, a schedule of all the events AND the…

April 12, 2022

Three Steps to Spring Clean Your Brain

Step One: Take Inventory Observe how you spend your time AND your energy. Who and What lifts you? Who and What drains you? What do…

April 7, 2022


W.W.W. stands for “Why am I doing this?” “Why now?” “What else could I be doing?” W.W.W is an important acronym to help you prioritize…

March 31, 2022

Beware the Thomas Becket Pitfall

In any organization, there is a natural desire to please one’s boss. In general, a good, even excellent thing. However, when rules are cast aside,…

March 24, 2022

The Best Tool in Your Mental Skills Toolbox… that no one talks about

Being “controlling” has a negative vibe these days and appropriately so in the context of a personal relationship. As a result, the concept of “control”…

March 8, 2022

Five Different Things Successful People Do that Others Don’t

#1 Successful people are possibility thinkers. They believe in themselves and in others and their ability to make things happen. They do not accept the…

February 10, 2022

Question: How to get Traction Starting Out?

Recently, The Collier Companies Team Members submitted over 100 “Questions to the Chair” as part of our upcoming Conference of Champions. Here’s one: Q: What’s…

February 8, 2022

Two Questions Highly Productive People Ask

1. What are the highest value tasks before me? Value is usually more of an emotional call then aught else, especially once beyond the base…

February 3, 2022

Three Simple Rules To Put You in the Top 10%

Live Smart Avoid Dumb Don’t Sabotage That’s it! Rather straightforward, right? However, like many things, principles aren’t that complicated, it’s the day-to-day application that gets…

January 18, 2022

Better than Goals

I’m a big believer in goals, hard targets to shoot for, mountain tops to dream of. And yet as I journey through my 7th decade,…

January 13, 2022

The Remarkable Resource Every Successful Person Cultivates

Imagine: You debut as a starting NFL quarterback and your initial pass is intercepted and returned for a TD. Your next play, you botch a…

January 11, 2022

How Bad Do You Want It?

At The Collier Companies we have a long tradition of Book Clubs which typically read 3 or 4 books a year. Which is good and…

January 4, 2022

New Year’s Resolutions are for Novices; Here are Hints for Being a Pro

First and Foremost! Start Small, Build on your wins. Make it hard to quit, build in rest stops, plan for plateaus! i.e. I will play…

December 30, 2021

Directed Learning Beats Drifting and Dreaming

When I interview folks for a managerial or leadership position, I frequently ask about their preferred learning style. “Hands on” is the most frequent answer.…

December 28, 2021

It’s Not as Easy as You Think

There are probably over 5,000 athletes playing Division 1 college football. Every year maybe 250 get to go to the NFL. Five Percent. Max. One…

December 21, 2021

If You Are Standing Still, You Are Running Backward

To live your best life, continuously strive to improve your skills, broaden your knowledge, revise your internal maps, challenge your comfort zone. Talent is just…

December 14, 2021

Paths to Apatheia

Apatheia in Stoic philosophy is a calm state of mind where one’s composure is not disrupted by negative emotions. It is most assuredly not indifference…

December 9, 2021

Habits: They Pave both the Road to Heaven and the Pathway to Failure

Wherever you are, you are there because of your habits. Why? Well, the secret of your future is buried in your daily routine and today…

December 7, 2021

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