It’s my genes. I can’t help it!

Fuhgeddaboudit! You are responsible, you are Response-Able. Don’t believe me? How about some science to back me up.

Check out the April 2010 edition of the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Seven hundred fifty-two (752) teenagers with the FTO gene, a gene involved with obesity which “packs on the pounds,” wore a device that monitored physical activity. Seems a mere hour a day of physical activity (running, jumping rope, swimming, dancing, bicycling) was enough to offset the impact of the gene.

That not enough to motivate you? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just issued a review of 50 studies showing that physical activity “boosted academic performance, improved students’ attention spans, concentration and ability to stay on task.” (Source: USA Today)

Closing Quote:
The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.
It is not in your environment,
It is not in luck or chance,
Or the help of others;
It is in yourself alone.
— Orison Swett Marden