NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: The Knowing (Self Awareness)

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Three Simple Rules To Put You in the Top 10%

Live Smart Avoid Dumb Don’t Sabotage That’s it! Rather straightforward, right? However, like many things, principles aren’t that complicated, it’s the day-to-day application that gets…

January 18, 2022

Better than Goals

I’m a big believer in goals, hard targets to shoot for, mountain tops to dream of. And yet as I journey through my 7th decade,…

January 13, 2022

The Remarkable Resource Every Successful Person Cultivates

Imagine: You debut as a starting NFL quarterback and your initial pass is intercepted and returned for a TD. Your next play, you botch a…

January 11, 2022

New Year’s Resolutions are for Novices; Here are Hints for Being a Pro

First and Foremost! Start Small, Build on your wins. Make it hard to quit, build in rest stops, plan for plateaus! i.e. I will play…

December 30, 2021

The Greatest Gift of All

The greatest gift you can give is a gift to yourself. Why to yourself? Because you cannot give to others what you do not have…

December 23, 2021

Are You Paying Attention?

Our moods and emotions are not random. They generally spring not so much from what happens in our life but rather how we interpret them.…

December 16, 2021

Paths to Apatheia

Apatheia in Stoic philosophy is a calm state of mind where one’s composure is not disrupted by negative emotions. It is most assuredly not indifference…

December 9, 2021

Three Mind Tricks of the Super Successful

Desire is far, far more powerful than discipline. If it is what you truly want, you will blow through virtually any obstacle to get there.…

December 2, 2021

Do These Seven Things to Turbo Charge Your Life

Believe in yourself. If you don’t, few will. Don’t rent out space in your head to the opposition, make your internal voice your champion, your…

November 23, 2021

One Secret of Calm People: Embracing JOMO

JOMO is the “Joy of Missing Out” and is the polar opposite of FOMO, the “Fear of Missing Out”. JOMO is intense feeling of delight…

November 4, 2021

Your Inner Roommate

You have someone living inside your head and it is important to remember it is NOT you. Your inner roommate is a good way to…

November 2, 2021

Are You a Logic Bully?

A Logic Bully is someone who attempts to overwhelm you with rational arguments while remaining impervious to the insight that your primary motivations are emotions. It…

October 26, 2021

You Need a PET

No, I’m not talking about a furry four-legged mammal though you may benefit from one of those as well (personally I’ve had dogs most of…

October 21, 2021

Your Friends are Your Future; How is it Looking?

It has been said that you are the sum total of the 5 people you spend the most time with. While there is much truth…

October 14, 2021

Self as Subject

When was the last time you studied yourself? As in a topic well worth knowing? In Depth? To avoid squandering the precious gift of life,…

October 12, 2021

What are Your Values? Pick 3, Live Them Fiercely

Below is a list of Values, courtesy of Brene Brown (Dare to Lead and Rising Strong). Under the heading of “If everything is a priority,…

September 30, 2021

Do You Support? Or Do You Shift?

In a conversation, support is when our response draws out another person, giving them an opportunity to go deeper or open up more. Shift is…

September 23, 2021

Self-Made v. Self-Sculpted

I am NOT a self-made man. Anyone with an ounce of humility and self-awareness knows, appreciates, and is deeply grateful for the help they have…

September 16, 2021

The Incredible Power of Humility

Our pride, Our stubbornness, Our dislike of asking for or even accepting offered help, Our unwillingness to change, to admit we may have been wrong,…

September 14, 2021

Seven Habits of Happy People

They monitor their self-talk; keep it positive, solution oriented. They choose companions in life that challenge them to be their best. They Release. They focus…

September 9, 2021

The Fluency Illusion

The Fluency Illusion is when we think we know something better than we really do, believing we have mastered a subject when really we have…

September 7, 2021

Have You Ever Fallen Prey to Motivated Reasoning?

Motivated Reasoning refers to the all too human ability to find “logical” reasons to do what we already want to do v. to find the…

September 2, 2021

What Do You Track?

Do you keep track of the wrong things? The things that go wrong? The stuff that didn’t work out? Rejections, mistakes, slights, stumbles, and fumbles?…

August 24, 2021

Three Kinds of Intelligence and Why You Need All Three

IQ IQ is the most basic kind of intelligence and generally refers to math/verbal skills. While pretty much set at birth and first few years…

August 19, 2021


You are programming your mind, day in and day out, whether or not you realize it. The thoughts you CHOOSE to think powerfully affect the…

August 12, 2021

Can You See Souls Instead of Bodies?

What if we could see people’s true inner essence instead of their outer bodies? What if we could see spiritual growth and accomplishments as easily…

August 5, 2021

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