NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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One Sure Way to Sabotage Your Growth

One sure way to sabotage your personal or professional (which are tightly intertwined) growth is to react emotionally to feedback. We are taught from an…

March 16, 2023

Working Smart is Harder than Working Hard

Sometimes standing outside ourselves, stepping back and looking dispassionately at our lives, our work, our day-to-day activities can be interestingly difficult. Momentum is powerful, inertia…

March 14, 2023

How did you vote today?

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” – James Clear/Atomic Habits When you learn to evaluate…

February 21, 2023

Want Better Outcomes? Start Conversations with a Power Lead

What is a “Power Lead”? A power lead is a positive statement that frames what follows in a confident, decisive, affirmative manner: “This is really…

February 9, 2023


Simply because they have thoughts (i.e. words form) in their heads, most folks believe they know how to think. But if you define thinking as…

January 31, 2023

Where Does Your Miss Havisham Reside?

Miss Havisham is the central character in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations who was jilted at the alter and chose to wear her wedding dress for…

January 26, 2023

Environment v. “In-vironment”

Two ways to look at the world: You are the program, or you are the programmer. Is your fate determined by outside events, by your…

January 24, 2023

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

Sometimes looking at opposites brings things into greater clarity… Be Reactive: Give away your personal power; hold others responsible for your emotions and reactions. See…

January 19, 2023

Successful People Accept this Very Simple Phrase

“It may not be your fault but if it’s in your way, it’s your problem.” The greatest point of power lies within you. To believe…

January 3, 2023

The Double Tap Response: Specific AND Systematic

Successful people approach problems differently than others. They search for solutions at multiple levels; solutions that are both Specific AND Systematic. Yes, they want to…

December 20, 2022

Smarter beats Harder

To get the most out of your efforts, first work (and live!) smarter, THEN work harder/longer… if that is what it takes to realize the…

December 13, 2022

Showing Up Clean

At its simplest level, “Showing Up Clean” means having an open mind. Easy words to say but the ability to calmly hear opinions you disagree…

December 1, 2022

What Emotional Energy seeds are you planting? For as you Sow, so shall you Reap

If we choose to speak disrespectfully of others (and remember we humans are a sensitive bunch); if we elect to gripe or groan about “how…

November 22, 2022

How are your Refusal Skills?

Refusal skills are communication strategies and pre-rehearsed scripts that help you say no without feeling guilt or shame, particularly when under social or peer pressure…

November 17, 2022

Memento Mori

Memento mori literally translates from the Latin as “remember death” or remember that we all die, that death is inevitable. Rather than being depressing or…

November 15, 2022

The Art of Thinking from the End

It is necessary to have an end in mind for without it we drift rudderless on the sea of life. The meaning of life, our…

October 27, 2022

You have to Walk the Valley to get to the Mountaintop

Deny me the lessons of the valley and I will not learn the skills I need to traverse the highest mountains. Sometimes you find yourself…

October 25, 2022

Three Keys to Influence

Three Keys to Influence: A summary of the “Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change” Whether you’re eradicating disease, improving customer service, or engaging struggling…

October 20, 2022

A Subtle but oh so Sure Path to Failure

Want to try hard? Be Sincere? Really care? And yet achieve far less than you could? Easy! Pick vague, fuzzy goals! Develop Team Members! Grow…

October 4, 2022

The Power of “Yet”

Three statements: I don’t know how. This isn’t working. There isn’t a way. Three statements, oh so slightly, yet so powerfully different: I don’t know…

September 8, 2022

Expect Unexpected Opportunity

Truth is, what most call luck is really most often the intersection of opportunity with preparation. Inadequate preparation? Luck goes on to knock at another’s…

August 30, 2022

A Simple, Easy to Learn Technique that will Impress your Boss

Follow up and follow through. That’s it. It’s not much but few do it and fewer yet do it consistently. Follow-through means to see something to completion,…

August 23, 2022

Define Your Average as Above Average

When you are average, you are as close to the bottom as you are to the top. There are many things in life that are…

August 16, 2022

Little Things Make Big Things Happen

The details matter because big success is just the steady accumulation of small wins piled one on top of another. Everything is connected, all is…

August 11, 2022

Do YOU think YOU are Worthy? And Worthy of What?

As Marianne Williamson famously said: “You playing small doesn’t serve the world.” We are put on this world to be our best selves, to develop to our fullest potential…

August 9, 2022

Always Look Under the Hood

The literal meaning of “look under the hood” comes from the process of buying a used car and refers to the importance not merely going…

July 14, 2022

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